We hope that the links below prove interesting and helpful. The National Garden Clubs, Inc. - provides education, resources and National networking opportunities for its members to promote the love of gardening, floral design, civic and environmental responsibility. North Reading Garden Club is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc.
The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. - The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. was organized in 1927 and incorporated in 1949. It is a charter member of the National Council of State Garden Clubs Inc. representing over 13,000 members and 185 clubs. North Reading Garden Club is a member of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc.
Gardening Tips from the folks at About.com http://gardening.about.com/mbody.htm
National Gardening Association - a list of gardening resources, message boards, tips, and a garden shop.
Massachusetts Horticultural Society - Founded in 1829, the Massachusetts Horticultural Society is dedicated to encouraging the science and practice of horticulture and developing the public's enjoyment, appreciation, and understanding of plants and the environment. |
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